Architecture studio "Lukov Design" is founded in 1991 in Kardjali, Bulgaria by the architect Stanislav Lukov.
Since the time of its foundation to present the focus of the studio's activity is:
The complex design of buildings;
Urban planning;
Design of reconstruction of existent buildings;
Industrial buildings;
Administrative buildings;
Commercial buildings;
City design;

Arch. Stanislav Lukov, year 2006 best architect prize winner.
Award for the project of multi-functional centre “Orfei” in Kardzhali.
Architect Stanislav Lukov got the Prize – “Architect of 2006” in the category “Not residential developments” for the project of multi-functional centre “Orfei” in Kardzhali.
For the 12th time the “Building and real estate” newspaper gave it’s award for vivid architectural achievements. The award is given for projects realized in the last year. The statuette, made by the sculptor Atanas Karadechev was handed to architect Lukov by the major architect of Plovdiv municipality, arch. Emilia Bojkova. 
